
Take Your Crowdfunding Campaigns to the Next Level With Gadget Flow

So, you’re launching your crowdfunding campaign?

That’s great, but are you sure that your marketing can get you enough investors or backers to fund your campaign? 

Well, there’s a solution to that problem.

It’s called Gadget Flow. But what is it, and how can it help you out?

That’s what you’re about to find out in this blog post. So, without further ado, let’s get into it.

What is Gadget Flow?

Gadget Flow is an online discovery platform. It’s used by millions of visitors who want to stay up to date with the latest tech and gear.

Including crowdfunding campaigns that launch on daily basis.

The best part is that you can submit your product to their platform and the turnaround process until they start promoting it actively infront of their audience is fairly quickly . They’ve already helped many companies like HP, DJI, Lenovo boost their sales.

How much, you ask? Well, their return on investment was around five to one.

In addition to their platform, they are active on every single social media platform where they have over a million followers.

Just think about how many new backers or investors you can get with their reach!

Who is Gadget Flow for?

While all of it sounds impressive, you might be wondering if Gadget Flow is for you. You might not even have a tech-related product!

This shouldn’t be a problem, even if your product doesn’t convert as well. For example, a Kickstarter campaign called Tribe 3.0 was able to get 342 backers from Gadget Flow (a 4x return on investment), and it was a minimalist wallet instead of a tech product. 

Also, they have over 250 different categories to make sure they reach your target backer through their platform. These include home, outdoor, health, and lifestyle.

So, you have nothing to worry about; you’ll find a category for your product!

However, there’s one thing you should be aware of. If you want to work with Gadget Flow, you’re going to need a big enough marketing budget.

The price of their services ranges from $469 to $9,899.

What Services Do They Offer

Gadget Flow’s services are split into three categories: marketing plans, fully managed services, and unboxing services.

Marketing plans are offered on a one-time fee basis and they all include a permanent listing of your product on their platform. There are a total of six tiers, each one offering a different level of exposure, traffic, and promotional features that help boost your conversion rate.

Think of this service as influencer marketing! You’re paying to be featured on many of their platforms.

The tiers include:

  • Basic – This tier is the cheapest one out there and offers the least exposure. Gadget Flow estimates that you’ll get about 100K to 150K impressions. They achieve this by adding your product to their listing, posting it to their various social media platforms, and writing about your product in their daily newsletter.
  • Standard – The next tier offers you a little bit more. With it, you should expect to get an exposure of 270K to 450K impressions. You’ll get all of the previously mentioned features, as well as a “Staff Pick” badge on your listing.
  • Pro – This is where your listing kicks into high gear. With it, you’ll get double of everything in the standard plan (two daily / weekly newsletters, double the social media posts, etc.) and also a web notification. You’ll also be featured in their homepage slider for four days, and much more. Be ready to get 840K to 1.3M impressions!
  • Premium – With the Premium plan, you’re expected to get 1.9M to 2.6M impressions. You’ll get many features with it, including several social media posts, a “Staff Pick” badge, a blog post review, a dedicated newsletter which is their most powerful promotional feature, and much more.
  • Platinum – This is the most popular option for many companies. With it, you get everything in the other plans in more quantity, and you’ll get featured on their YouTube channel. Also, you can expect to get 4M to 5.5M impressions.
  • Ultimate –  Lastly, there’s the Ultimate tier. With it, you can get up to 10M impressions. You’ll get everything from the platinum plan and more. For example, you’ll get two dedicated newsletters instead of one.  This is their best performing package as it generates the lowest possible CPM and CPC from their marketing plans.

For more information about the plans, you can check them out here. And if you’re looking to know more about every feature, you can check out their help article.

Those are all great plans for additional exposure, but if you’re looking for a more custom solution, you can work with them under their fully managed services. With their fully managed services, you can get help with all of your crowdfunding and eCommerce needs.

For example, they can help you with lead generation, setting up your Kickstarter page, creating ads on various platforms like Google, Facebook, and Flipboard, and so much more.

Lastly, let’s talk about the unboxing services. With these services, your product will be reviewed by Gadget Flow’s tech expert, Jonny Caplan.

The video will be 5-10 minutes long and will be seen by thousands of viewers. You can check out their reviews on Gadget Flow’s YouTube channel.

The services are separated into three plans:

  • Standard – When you choose this package, you’ll get the bare minimum. That includes the 5-10 minute unboxing video and a permanent unboxing listing. Gadget Flow expects this video to get about 25K views.
  • Pro –With this plan, you get a bit more. Not only will you get everything from the Standard plan, but you’ll also get promoted on Gadget Flow’s multiple social media channels and newsletter. However, you’ll only get promoted once. You’re estimated to get around 50K views.
  • Premium –If you’re looking for maxed out exposure, then this is for you! With this plan, you’ll get promoted three times more. You’ll also get a dedicated newsletter, and the video will become royalty-free! That means you can post the video anywhere and that you’ll maintain ownership of all the raw edits and footages. You can expect to get over 100,000 views.

Find more information about unboxing services here.

How to Start Working With Gadget Flow?

If you’ve decided to start working with Gadget Flow, but don’t know where to start, don’t worry! It’s easy if you follow this three-step process.

Step #1 – Analyze Your Needs

Get your team together, and start brainstorming! Questions to think about may include:

  • How big is our budget?
  • How many impressions will we need?
  • Is it necessary to get the viral video (or any other feature) to accomplish our goal?
  • Do we need any other services?

Write every answer down! Only then are you ready for the next step.

Step #2 – Pick the Correct Service

Now that you’ve evaluated your needs, you can start with the picking process. Look back at your notes, and pick the marketing plan you and your team chose.

You can do it here.

However, if you’re looking for other services, then you need to do it a bit differently. First, you should click the “fully managed service” button in the “choose your plan” section. 

Then, you’ll be redirected to the agency page of the site. Here, just click the “Let’s Work Together” button, and answer the relevant questions.

Step #3 – Prepare For The Promotion

Once you’ve picked the correct service, it’s time to set up your promotion. What you need to do depends on the service you chose. 

For example, you need to upload your content to your Gadget Flow dashboard if you choose a marketing plan but ship your product to their studio with the unboxing services.

Once you’ve done that, you can sit back and let the Gadget Flow team do the rest.

And that’s Gadget Flow! So, if you’re looking to get more exposure and backers, and you have the budget for it, then this platform might be the right fit for you.

You can start by submitting your product here.

Also, if you have any further questions reach out to and they will redirect you to an experienced sales representative who will help you choose the right services to suit your marketing needs.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way.