

Indiegogo is a crowdfunding platform where creators and entrepreneurs can raise money from a crowd of people to reach a specific monetary goal. 

Thousands of projects are launched every week on the Indiegogo platform where ‘backers’ can donate to a campaign in exchange for unique perks to help bring the campaign to life. 

Indiegogo Origins 

The Indiegogo crowdfunding platform was launched in 2008 by Eric Schell, Slava Rubin, and Danae Ringelmann

The first platform of its kind, Indiegogo paved the way for other crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter — largely considered to be Indiegogo’s biggest competitor. 

Since its inception, Indiegogo has served as a leading option for entrepreneurs to launch products in three major categories: 

  1. Tech & Innovation 
  2. Creative Works
  3. Community Projects

Indiegogo Community 

According to Indiegogo’s website, 10 million people from 235 countries and territories visit the site each month in search of projects to support.

To date, more than $1 billion in funds have been raised by the crowd on Indiegogo to bring 800,000 innovative products to life. 

Approximately 19,000 campaigns are launched on the site each month, with the majority of those campaigns setting funding goals of $10,000 or less. Those types of campaigns are typically the most successful on the platform. 

Overall, about 10% of campaigns on the Indiegogo are funded successfully. 

Indiegogo seeks to separate itself from Kickstarter — whose campaign success rates are about 38% lifetime — by taking a more agnostic approach as to what types of projects can be posted on their site. 

Indiegogo is also known for its outstanding service team that is considered to be extremely responsive and attentive to its creators.  

Fixed vs. Flexible Funding 

Unlike Kickstarter, Indiegogo offers creators the option of fixed or flexible funding for their projects. 

  • Fixed Funding: Creators only receive the funds pledge if they meet their funding goal. Also known as ‘all-or-nothing’ funding. This is the only method of funding available on Kickstarter. 
  • Flexible Funding: Creators keep donations whether they reach their funding goal or not. 

In both scenarios, creators are required to deliver on promised perks. 

Backers usually prefer campaigns that are run with fixed funding, where success rates jump to over 17%. 

Indiegogo InDemand 

Indiegogo Indemand allows creators who have successfully reached their funding goal to continue raising funds from the crowd after their initial campaign has been completed. 

Creators can continue their campaign on Indiegogo InDemand even if they originally launched their campaign on Kickstarter. 

The program is a great option for entrepreneurs looking to continue to build their customer base as they make the transition from crowdfunding to Ecommerce

Most Successful Indiegogo Campaigns in History 

Flow Hive 

Total $ Raised: 12,174,187

Category: Technology 

Backers: 36,653 

Year: 2015

Sondors Electric Bike

Total $ Raised: 5,859,412

Category: Technology 

Backers: 14,646 

Year: 2015 

Restore King Chapel Now

Total $ Raised: 5,048,213 

Category: Education 

Backers: 282 

Year: 2015 

An Hour of Code for Every Student

Total $ Raised: 5,022,943

Category: Education 

Backers: 26,570 

Year: 2014 

Super Troopers 2

Total $ Raised: 4,511,301 

Category: Film 

Backers: 52,532

Year: 2015 

What Types of Projects Are Successful on Indiegogo? 

Indiegogo has a reputation for being a great platform for technology and innovation. 

The projects that typically receive the most funding on Indiegogo: 

Where to Learn More About Indiegogo 

CrowdCrux has been a leading blog into the crowdfunding industry since its inception in 2011.

For more resources and information about Indiegogo and how to launch a successful campaign, make sure to check out: 

Ready to get started launching your Indiegogo campaign? 

Book a coaching call with Sal today. He’s helped bring hundreds of campaigns to life, and he’s ready to go to work for you!

About Author

Writer and content creator at CrowdCrux. Works with Salvador Briggman to bring you crowdfunding tips, advice, and education. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips