
How to Start a Patreon (And Make Real Money From It)

Here on the CrowdCrux blog, we talk a lot about rewards-based and equity crowdfunding — two industries that have been on the rise in recent years for creators and entrepreneurs. 

But there’s another side of the crowdfunding industry that has shown great promise as well — especially for artists, musicians, writers, filmmakers, and more. 

And that solution is Patreon.

While sometimes Patreon is thrown around as a type of crowdfunding (like we just did), more accurately, it’s a membership platform. 

Patreon allows you to generate recurring income to support your livelihood in exchange for rewards such as: 

  • Insider access 
  • Exclusive bonus content 
  • Merchandise 
  • Interaction with the artist 

Unlike rewards-based or equity crowdfunding that is conducted on a per-project basis, the big draw with Patreon is that you can basically create a living wage for yourself if you get enough monthly memberships. 

But this isn’t quite as easy as it sounds. 

In this article, we’re taking you through how to start a Patreon that actually produces income so that you can pursue your dreams and begin living full-time as an artist. 

Ready to learn how? Let’s dive in! 

Build a Beautiful Profile 

Creating a Patreon that attracts supporters starts on the very first day. Once you’ve created your account, it’s time to hit that ‘Profile’ icon in the upper right corner of the home screen to begin crafting your page. 

The Basics 

You’ll be asked to enter your name (use your artist name, if different from your legal), what content you’ll be creating for Patreon, and select a category that best fits your content. 

You can always change these elements down the road, but make sure to give special attention to which category you choose — it will help the Patreon algorithm in targeting people that could be interested in your content. 

Also, get yourself a killer profile image and cover photo that catches the eye. The inclusion of clean, on-brand graphic design elements can be extremely helpful in connecting with your future audience. 

The About Page 

A great ‘About Page’ on Patreon contains the following: 

  • A description of yourself and your work 
  • Strong voice that showcases your unique personality 
  • A pitch as to why patrons should support you 
  • A preemptive thank-you for your fans and paying Patrons 

You could even optimize your ‘About Page’ with keywords specifically related to your campaign.

Are you an abstract visual artist? Make sure to say that exact phrase a couple of times along with closely related terms for opportunities to show up in a search on the site. 

Make a Vlog

Much like traditional crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter or Indiegogo, your intro video is king. To make an intro video that converts, Patreon recommends that you: 

  1. Introduce Yourself (Quickly): Explaining who you are, what you do, and what prompted you to create a Patreon page. 
  2. Communicate Your Vision: This is a great opportunity to get creative. How can you communicate your own meaning of life in a way that calls people into your dream? 
  3. Sneak Peaks: Of reward tiers and benefits. This is your opportunity to demonstrate the value that they will get from supporting your pursuits — it’s time to get their creative mouths watering! 
  4. Keep it Short: You only have 1-2 minutes to hold potential patron’s attention, as 60% of viewers stop watching after the 120 second mark. Write yourself a script, get to the point quickly, and stick to it. 

Remember that the best way to ensure that your video is hitting the mark is through research. How are successful creators selling themselves through their vlogs?

Feel free to emulate that with your own personal spin! 

Actually, I discovered a ton of tricks that can help you earn recurring income from Patreon using subscription crowdfunding. This is dependable, repeat income to fuel your craft. You can really turn your passion into profit. You can learn more about the Patreon tricks I’ve discovered here.

Construct Must-Have Rewards 

When it comes down to it, supporters choose Patreon because they want access to content they can’t get anywhere else

So you have to cultivate that feeling. 

Shoot to create at least two reward tiers — one that is accessible at a lower price point, and one more comprehensive tier that your most eager fans are willing to pay for. 

As with every element of your Patreon page, this is another opportunity to showcase your personality. Don’t be too matter-of-fact and businesslike with it. Make people feel like they’re connecting with a friend! 

I think a great example of this is comedian Chris D’elia’s Patreon Page, where he writes killer descriptions and communicates value in a way that resonates with his audience: 

Again, though, it’s all about studying people in your niche and seeing what they’re up to. What sorts of rewards are they offering? How are they showcasing those rewards? How can you emulate those strategies? 

And then, most importantly, how can you set yourself apart from the pack? 

Need help brainstorming? Check out the article that is most relevant to you: 

Set Reasonable Goals 

While setting expectations for yourself is important, in this case, we’re talking about Patreon Goals — a way to encourage people to donate in exchange for, you guessed it, more content (or better quality content). 

There are two types of goals you can set: 

Earning Goals: Based on how much you make per-month on Patreon. For example, if you’re a writer, you could promise to release two essays per week instead of one if you can generate $150 per month. 

Community Goals: Based on how many patrons you acquire. For example, a musician could promise to release an exclusive EP once they reach 1,000 patrons. 

Goals can always change, so start small and work your way up. You shouldn’t set a goal of 10,000 members right when you start a Patreon — it’s just not realistic. 

Over time, as you hit those goals, make sure to celebrate them! And, of course, thank the supporters that have shown up for you. 

Thanking Your Patrons 

Patreon is built upon community. With this in mind, taking some time to genuinely thank your fans can go a long way in retaining your audience and attracting new supporters through word-of-mouth marketing. 

On the ‘Thanks’ tab in your dashboard, you can create a personalized message that every new patron will receive upon pledging their support to you. 

Make this message fun, genuine, and ignite interest in your new supporter — make them feel like they’ve made an awesome decision in supporting you! 

And then, at the end of your message, be sure to remind them that their help and support is the reason that you can continue to produce the content you love. 

Promotion is Key 

As an artist, you might view “marketing” as a dirty word. 

It’s time to put that thought out of your mind. Without promotion, no one is going to know that your page exists. So embed the link wherever you consistently release content, make posts about it, and mobilize your core network through email outreach, if possible. 

If you genuinely believe in what you’re producing, marketing your content shouldn’t feel like you’re cheating someone. In all your marketing materials, be sure to: 

  • Communicate why this is so important to you 
  • Demonstrate how this will benefit the supporter’s life 
  • Tease your rewards to get people interested 

Key Takeaways – How to Make Money on Patreon 

At the end of the day, creating show-stopping content is the best way to ensure that you have success on the Patreon membership platform. 

Actually, I discovered a ton of tricks that can help you earn recurring income from Patreon using subscription crowdfunding. This is dependable, repeat income to fuel your craft. You can really turn your passion into profit. You can learn more about the Patreon tricks I’ve discovered here.

But by following the advice listed above, you can set yourself apart from the pack. And if you’re really committed, you’ll start making a full-time living doing what you love. 

Serious about creating a network of supporters that can fund your livelihood? 

Consider hiring us

Our expert team is ready to build out a Patreon page that converts. It’s an investment, but one that can lead to long term payoffs for you and your creative business. 

We hope that this article has been helpful for you! And remember, CrowdCrux is here to help if you need us. Good luck with your Patreon launch, we’re certainly pulling for you. 

About Author

Writer and content creator at CrowdCrux. Works with Salvador Briggman to bring you crowdfunding tips, advice, and education. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips