
How to Raise $80,203 on Kickstarter WITHOUT an Email List

You don’t need an email list or a massive social following to raise money on Kickstarter.

I know that I ALWAYS stress thorough preparation when leading up to a crowdfunding campaign, but some projects defy the odds.

Today, you’re going to hear from Nishant, the project leader of the Quilo Fan crowdfunding project. This campaign raised $80,203 without a social following or big email list.

You’re gonna see how they were able to pull off this tremendous feat and enter an entirely new product category. I think that listening to Nishant is like a personal coaching call from a seasoned entrepreneur.

So many of my listeners have told me that they aren’t as well prepared as they’d like going into their crowdfunding campaign. This episode is the one you’ve been waiting for. You’ll see how to make a big splash in the Kickstarter marketplace.

Links and Resources Mentioned

    • The Gadget Flow: Their product discovery platform reaches 22 million people per month! They’ve helped more than 5,000 crowdfunding campaigns and have a social media following of more than 700,000 followers.
    • Fulfillrite: Kickstarter and crowdfunding reward fulfillment services. They come highly recommended!
    • BackerKit helps crowdfunders with the survey and order fulfillment process. Don’t buried in spreadsheets and manual data entry!
    • Blogging for Beginners on Audible
    • Quilo Fan Kickstarter
    • Quilo Website
About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips