
How to Get Crowdfunding From Friends and Family

Do you want to get your friends and family to donate or pledge to your Kickstarter, GoFundMe, or Indiegogo campaign?

I can show you how…

I talked a lot about getting funding from strangers in my book, the Kickstarter Launch Formula and Crowdfunding Personal Expenses.

In this video, I share three essential tips for getting these important people in your life to take action.

Lots of people might say that they’ll support you, but when you launch, everyone bails. It’s a big problem that’s costing you funding dollars. I’ll show you how to solve this problem easily with three steps.

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My goal is to supercharge your Kickstarter, GoFundMe, or Indiegogo campaign. I really wanna help you knock it out of the park.

Your friends and family are an important part of the fundraising strategy. Here’s why…

Your Friends and Family Create “Fundraising Momentum”

No one is going to pledge or donate to a crowdfunding campaign if it doesn’t already have some funding.

If they come to your campaign page and it has $0 pledge, then they are gonna skip past it. They’re not going to bother to watch the video or read more. There MUST be something wrong with it. Otherwise, why hasn’t anyone else given money?

Your friends and family are an important pillar in creating momentum for your fundraiser. They give you the “social proof” that you need to attract strangers and convince 2nd degree connections to give money to your fundraiser.

I always recommend trying to get to get to 30% of your fundraising goal within the first few days. This helps jumpstart the funding process. Many of these pledges can come from your friends and family.

But, there is another reason why they are important…

Friends and Family Help Spread Your Reach

Not only does your friends and family help to create fundraising momentum, but they also help to spread your reach online. By this I mean through social media.

Other people can see when their friends comment on your photos/videos and share updates related to your fundraising campaign. This gives them a chance to be influenced by you and your message.

Your “core tribe” helps spread your social reach. You can use them as a crowdfunding street team to deliberately spread your social messages, like your posts, or even share your campaign link. It’s the form of an endorsement.

I’ve had many entrepreneurs and creative types on my podcast who have told me how they never expected a massive pledge to come in from the friend of a friend, but it did!

Your Close Friend’s Won’t Always Donate

I cover why in today’s YouTube video. It really is quite a strange phenomena. Basically, when you go live, many of the people that you THINK were your friends and would support you… don’t!

It can be scary, frustrating, and in some cases, cause a lot of anger. So, if you wanna avoid this happening, I suggest you watch the video. I outline exactly how to tackle this problem.

We all lead very busy lives. It could be work, netflix, hangouts, or other social media posts that keep your friends occupied. You are always vying for their attention.

Sometimes, some of your friends will forget to give money. Others might not understand the entire fundraiser or how important it is to you. Older members of your network might not understand actually how to give.

You can plan for these potential pitfalls.

Don’t Be Afraid to Promote Yourself

I know that you might be afraid of promoting yourself for fear of turning off your friends. Am I right?

Your real friends will not mind you talking about something that YOU care about and that is important to YOU. You can focus on the story behind the project and also how it’s going to help other people.

If you’re not going to stick up for yourself and share something that means a lot to you, then what’s the point of even having friends? A real friend will have your back no matter what.

You might turn off some of the people in your life who never really had your back anyway. Who knows, maybe you’ll get some valuable feedback about your approach to fundraising.

Either way, the only way you’ll get somewhere in this world from a business standpoint or when it comes to getting attention on your campaign is if you’re willing to stand behind your words.

I hope you enjoyed today’s video and if you want more like this, then take a sec to subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips