
How Kiva Works

How does Kiva work? How can you use it for your business?

Let’s talk about this powerful website which you can use to get a loan at 0% interest and start your business.

In the business world, a loan for NO interest is virtually unheard of. However, today, you’re going to discover a way to get these types of terms and how many entrepreneurs around the world are doing just that.

After watching this video, you’re going to have a crystal clear understanding of how Kiva works and how you can use their website for your business.

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Funding is the missing piece of the puzzle

Every business needs funding to start and grow. There has never been a business that hasn’t started or grown without funding. Here’s why.

Even if you’re investing your own money into a business, that’s a form of funding. Even if you’re retaining earnings in order to re-invest in the business, that is a form of funding.

No matter if it’s your own money, credit cards, bans, venture capital, crowdfunding, or angel investment, some type of funding source WILL touch every successful business.

Often times, in the early stags of a business, a company needs funding because it can’t just grow from retained earnings alone. It needs outside capital to fuel expansion.

The problem is that this “money” or “funding” is NEVER free. You gotta give up a piece of your company. You gotta pay high interest rates to credit card companies. You gotta pay banks and commit to a multi-year debt obligation.

It’s nightmare. But, there is some sun on the horizon.

Today, you heard about a funding source that is different from every other one out there because… it doesn’t cost anything. 

Kiva is the only FREE funding out there

In the investment process, the cost of capital is measured by the interest rate you must pay to your creditors. If you get a 10% interest rate, then the cost of $100,000 is $10,000 over the span of a year.

The great thing about Kiva is that there ISN’T any kind of interest rate attached to the loan. You just have to pay back the principle. You’re not incurring any expenses for “renting” the capital.

Talk about powerful! You can expand and grow your business without having to pay high interest rates which put you further into debt. Paying back a Kiva loan can actually improve the creditworthiness of your business.

All things added up, this is a source of FREE funding that you can tap into right now. I don’t know how long Kiva is going to be around, so I’d jump on this opportunity right now.

You can “cash in” your social network (without selling out)

No one wants to have to ask their friends and family for donations. It feels like charity.

It’s also super intimidating to get people to pledge to your Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign, even when you’re aiming to deliver a real product to them.

Finally, there is an option where you can actually give something back to your friends and family when they help you out. That’s exactly where Kiva comes in.

When you raise money on Kiva, your friends and family are actually giving you a loan which be paid back to them in due time. Then, they can take that money and go fund other entrepreneurs. Cool, huh?

You’re using the social proof and social power of your network to help get your loan funded, but you’re not selling out. You’re actually rewarding them for it. They’re going to be getting monthly loan payments from you.

Hear directly from a Kiva expert below…

Below, you can hear directly from an expert staff member at Kiva who will further expand on my video and tell you how it all works.

By the end of my comprehensive interview, you’ll feel confident, excited, and rearing to go. You’ll get all those nitty gritty questions answered. In no time at all, you’ll have the funding for your business. It’s really that easy.

Kiva Expert Reveals How to Get a 0% Interest Loan Up to $10kKiva Expert Reveals How to Get a 0% Interest Loan Up to $10k

But, what do I know? Listen to the expert! I hope that you like the video that I put together for you today and the podcast episode that I just linked to. It’s my mission to provide entrepreneurs the best education out there when it comes to getting funding for their dream.

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About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips