
Blogging For Beginners: Work from Home, Travel the World, Provide for Your Family

This book is going to show you exactly how to start your own blog and turn it into a full-time cash-generating machine. I’m going to give you the keys to the kingdom, which will unlock this entirely new career that you never thought possible.

You’ll quickly discover how to get traffic, subscribers, readers, and build up passive income streams. I’ll even share with you the most profitable niches online today and how you can get a slice of the pie.

While I’m gonna help you get your career on track, this book is about much more than just your job (or even your passion). It’s about freedom. The ability to do what you want, when you want, without a boss lingering over your shoulder.

It’s the freedom that comes with being able to take “mini-retirements” and spend months in a foreign country. It’s the freedom you’ll feel when you don’t have to depend on a paycheck to be able to feed your family.

If you are a mother, a father, or just looking to contribute to your family, you’ll also find that blogging is a great way to bring in extra income from the comfort of your home.

My name’s Sal. I wrote this book and I can’t wait for you to get started! Good luck!

Physical and Digital Version: Blogging For Beginners: Work from Home, Travel the World, Provide for Your Family

Audio Version: Blogging For Beginners: Work from Home, Travel the World, Provide for Your Family

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips