
EP #469 How ZenniHome Nabbed $5.8 Million In Fresh Funding For Minimalist Homes 🏠

No matter how great your product or idea is, potential backers will still have questions. And here’s the thing:

When you do crowdfunding, you can’t speak to every single person individually and answer all of their questions.

You need to tell your story clearly so people don’t get held back by the things they don’t understand. 

Today’s guest spent a lot of time trying to figure out all the different questions potential backers would have.

They went through every single detail before launching a community round. And guess what?

They have raised over $5.8 million on WeFunder for robotic smart homes set to transform the US housing market!

In this episode of the Crowdfunding Demystified podcast, Salvador Briggman speaks to David Monson, VP of Marketing for ZenniHome, about the marketing tactics they used to achieve this mega success.

You’ll discover how they used webinars to level up their marketing game, what goes into creating a bestselling pitch deck, and the things they would do better if they could go back in time.

One thing is certain:

They didn’t nail it the first time and chances are neither will you. 

Testing is the key to success so get started, reach out for some feedback, and iterate. 

That’s one of the key takeaways from today’s show.

It’s a whopper of an episode, we hope you enjoy it!

If you do, please take a minute to leave us a positive rating or review. It always means so much to us!

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About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way.