
Top 9 UK Crowdfunding Websites

Crowdfunding is all the rage in the UK. Rewards-based crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter, equity-based UK crowdfunding sites like CrowdCube, and donation-based UK crowdfunding sites like Buzzbnk give entrepreneurs, non-profits, and creative types many outlets to raise funds for new projects and ventures.

Below, we’ve put together a list of some of the top platforms that UK residents can use to crowdfund their next greatest idea. Be sure to leave a comment on this article if you find it to be helpful and let us know what type of crowdfunding project you plan on running!

Equity Crowdfunding (UK Startups)

1. CrowdCube – “The world’s first equity crowdfunding platform. Crowdcube is authorised and regulated by the FCA. 

2. Seedrs – “Online investing in the shares of new startup businesses and equity crowdfunding for seed-stage companies across Europe. Free to join.”

3. Syndicate Room – “The Equity Crowdfunding platform for investing in startups backed by experienced business angel investors.”

Also be sure to check out our list of equity crowdfunding websites for startups here.

Rewards-Based UK Crowdfunding (Creative projects)

4. – “Whether you own an existing business, want to launch a new one, are a school, work in the creative industry, need funds for a social enterprise, are a charity, or are just an individual with a fantastic idea then we can help you raise the funds needed for your project.”

5. Kickstarter UK – “Kickstarter is the world’s largest funding platform for creative projects. A home for film, music, art, theater, games, comics, design, photography, and more.”

6. Indiegogo – “Indiegogo is the largest global fundraising site & best crowdfunding for film, music, hardware, technology, personal causes, charity, small businesses and more”

7. Sponsume – “Sponsume is an independent venture based in London. Launched in 2010, we are a crowdfunding platform and community dedicated to creativity and innovation.”

Don’t forget to read through our list of Kickstarter alternatives!

Donation-Based UK Crowdfunding (Non-Profits, Charity)

8. JustGiving – “Charity support site for online donations including sponsoring, how to dontate and details of how to create a fundraising web page.”

9. Buzzbnk -“1st UK crowdfunding & peer-to-peer lending platform for charities & social enterprises.”

You can find more chairty fundraising and nonprofit crowdfunding platforms here and here.


This list is by no means complete, but gives you a quick overview of some of the major UK crowdfunding websites out there. If you’re still having trouble making a decision, our past article “Which crowdfunding website is best” might be helpful. For more information about crowdfunding, I recommend checking out the UK Crowdfunding Association or the Nesta UK Crowdfunding Directory.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips