
Indiegogo Communities Online

My research into Indiegogo communities online hasn’t yielded any large forums, websites, or groups that specifically help out project creators or foster the sharing of information among Indiegogo enthusiasts.

However, I have seen some great forums specific to gaming, board games, publishing, etc. that have given great advice and feedback to Indiegogo project creators.

If you are trying to get feedback on your Indiegogo campaign or promote your Indiegogo campaign, I think that forums/groups that are specific to your project category are your best bet for connecting with online communities.



Indiegogo Meetup Groups

indiegogo meetup groups

LinkedIn Groups

IndieGoGo London Baby!


Kickstarter & Indiegogo Group





Film in crowdfunding

Film in crowdfunding


Google+ Groups


The Revolution in Funding!


Best practices, Lessons learned, and advise for CrowdFunding on Kickstarter, RocketHub, and Indiegogo. Helping people seeking advice or have



Indiegogo Forum


Forum for Indiegogo project creators and backers. Ask questions, get feedback, meet other creators.

Indiegogo Australia


All things Australia from the largest global crowdfunding platform. We empower people to fund what matters to them.

Indiegogo Canada


All things Canada from the largest global crowdfunding platform. We empower people to fund what matters to them.

Indiegogo Music


The home of all things music and crowdfunding related –#gogomusic. Find our main feed at @Indiegogo, the world’s funding platform.

Indiegogo Film


Home of all things film- and crowdfunding-related. Follow our main feed @Indiegogo! The World’s Funding Platform. #gogofilm

Find Indiegogo Communities In Your Category

The best way to discover Indiegogo communities within your category is to go to google, type in “indiegogo” or “indiegogo – insert your category -” and hit the “discussions” filter tab on google search.

This will filter the search results by discussions, so that it is easier to see which forum communities are discussing Indiegogo projects. You can also filter by time if you click “search tools.” Using this method, you can find discussions that have happened in the past 24 hours or the past week.

For example:

I searched for “indiegogo board game” and filtered by discussions. This forum thread came up, which discusses the positive and negatives of Indiegogo for board game campaigns:

Searching “indiegogo” and filtering by discussions in the past week yields a thread on The Kickstarter/IndieGoGo Sharing:

It also yields advice given on specific forums for Indiegogo projects:

You can also filter google search results by “blogs” or “news” to discover bloggers or journalists that are writing about Indiegogo campaigns and that may be willing to write about yours!


About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips