
How to Promote a Kickstarter Campaign with PR

I’ve put together a training video for you to highlight how to promote a Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign with PR!

In this video, I’ll go through a MAJOR misconception about how PR works. Once you grasp this key fact, you’ll be able to get more profitable traffic to your campaign and leverage the PR hits that you do get.

I hope that you get a lot out of this video! If you enjoy it, let me know by leaving a comment on YouTube.

I can’t overemphasize how much getting in the media can transform your business. It’s a major way to build back links, credibility, traffic, and grow your sales.

If a young guy like me can get written about by major media companies like The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and CNN, so can you.

For more information about my upcoming PR class, check out this link so that you’ll be notified when it comes out!

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips