
5 Ways Nonprofits Can Use Crowdfunding

Let’s be honest, many nonprofits are scrambling to maintain a sustainable business model. The age of grants are over and although it’s true that corporate sponsors are willing and able to give, it’s becoming even more challenging to stand out from the pack and develop lasting relationships that lead to dependable income streams.

I’ve put together my best NonProfit Crowdfunding Tips into a complete guide on Amazon!

Who would believe that you spend 75% of your time raising money every year and only 25% working for the segment of people you originally set out to help.

So you want to know how crowdfunding can help you grow your nonprofit? Before reading the list below, check out some of the top crowdfunding sites for non-profits.

I’ve put together a new GUIDE that’s packed with science-backed nonprofit fundraising methods, resources, strategies, and killer marketing methods.

You should check it out if you want to get more donations and you want to fast-track the entire process. 

1. Generate Buzz, Media Coverage, and Great SEO.

Right now, crowdfunding is a hot topic. Companies that raise money through platforms like Kickstarter would not normally receive media attention, but since they are the forerunners in an emerging industry, they are shared, tweeted, blogged about to the point where everyone has heard of their product and knows their story. A great example is the Pebble E-Paper watch which raised $10 million on Kickstarter.

Try to see your nonprofit’s crowdfunding campaign as both a way to raise funds and promote your brand. If you are successful in your campaign, you have a great story to tell and have a better chance of being covered by major media outlets. In addition, every supporter will tweet and share the fact that they pledged to your campaign. Not only does this spread awareness of your campaign, but it also lets people know about your cause and your organization’s values.

2. Engage Your Supporters

Your supporters breathe life into your organization. Crowdfunding is a great way to establish a relationship with these men and women that share your values and goals. With reward tiers, you can customize awesome perks to incentivize donations.

Why not have your supporters play a larger role in your organization’s future? With higher reward tiers, you can give them the opportunity to engage your organization in a dialogue and provide their thoughts on your company’s path going forward. Depending on your organization’s focus, you may even be able to involve the supporters in the actual project so that they can see the outcome of their continued donations.

3. Grow Your Network

Growing your supporter base is a full time job. In a world where there are thousands of worthy causes, it can be difficult to make yourself stand out and really form those longterm supporter relationships that you can depend on. Crowdfunding can help you attract new supporters because most nonprofit or cause-centered platforms cater to a niche audience of people who are willing to donate to causes that resonate with their values.

If someone is browsing a website looking to donate to a charity or non-profit, wouldn’t you want to be listed on that website? Even if you do not secure a donation, it raises public awareness of your organization and lets people know that you are actively creating new projects to help communities around the globe.

4. Attract Corporate Attention

What better way is there to prove that your nonprofit’s work has a major impact and resonates with the public than showing the numbers from your fundraising campaign to a potential corporate sponsor. Corporate sponsors are looking for engagement. Yes, they want results and the press, but it’s also about the lives that your organization is affecting.

What are the demographics of your most-engaged supporters and those of the community you are helping? How can being a sponsor benefit the corporation, aside from making a positive difference in the world. When it comes down to persuasion, numbers are your friend and the more proof of engagement you have, the better.

Most nonprofits have supporters that are willing to donate a small amount each year, but think how much you stand out if you have a group of loyal followers who tweet, share, and talk about how they donated to your crowdfunding campaign.

5. Gauge Public Interest

Having a social mission forms the foundation of a organization that creates change, but it is the way you go about making change that is key. Not all projects resonate with sponsors, supporters, and the community in the way that you’d like, even if the project resonates with your values. I hate to say it, but there is always a path of least resistance and sometimes you can affect the most change by selecting projects that have a strong base of support.

I’ve put together a new GUIDE that’s packed with science-backed nonprofit fundraising methods, resources, strategies, and killer marketing methods.

You should check it out if you want to get more donations and you want to fast-track the entire process. 

Creating a crowdfunding project is a great way to market-test project ideas to see the kind of traction that they can get with your audience and the users on various crowdfunding platforms. This can be a key source of knowledge if you are considering pouring a large amount of money into a particular cause or are considering approaching a business sponsor for a particular project idea.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips